What is the difference between usted and ustedes? Answered here!

What is the difference between usted and ustedes? 

If you are learning Spanish in school or trying to learn it by yourself you may be confused and wondering what is the difference between usted and ustedes.

If that is the case, then today I will lay out for you the difference between these 2 Spanish pronouns.

Also, later I will cover some basic examples using these in sentences.

Learning Spanish might quite challenging or a task especially if you have never learned a language before. However, one you do it, the language learning process just get much easier.

On the previous article, we reviewed 2 major singular Spanish equivalents of “you” – Usted and Tú.

However, today I am going to help you to understand 2 things:

1) What is the difference between usted and ustedes? and..

2) How do you know when to use usted versus ustedes in Spanish conversations?

Now the first thing that you want to understand is that the pronoun “usted” is the formal form of “you“in English. When I say formal, I mean that usted is used as a sign of respect when addressing:

  • adults
  • elderly individuals
  • teachers
  • any superiors
  • individuals with authority or rank
  • someone that you don’t know / meet for first time
  • etc…

Got it? Okay great!

However, the Spanish pronoun”ustedes” is the plural form of “you“, sometimes rendered “you all”.

So, when do you use ustedes in Spanish conversation? Ustedes can be used for these groups types:

  • a group of all men
  • a group of all women
  • a mixed group of both men and woman
  • You + 3rd person;  (Example = You and Peter..)

Now that you know what is the difference between usted and ustedes and how they are typically used, now let’s look at some examples of these below.

For the purpose of this post, we will focus on a few Spanish verbs using present tense.


¿Van ustedes a la playa? Are you all going to the beach?

Van ustedes tres al cine? Are you three going to the movies? or.. Are the three of you going to the movies?

¿Cuántos años tiene usted?  How old are you?

¿Comen ustedes arroz con pollo? Do you all eat rice with chicken? Or Are you all eating rice and chicken?

Usted y Pedro van a la biblioteca. You and Peter are going to the library.

Usted es muy buen bailador. You are a good dancer.


Now that you know the what is the difference between usted and ustedes, you can now start using these Spanish pronouns in conversations with native speaking in public.

If you are just starting to learn Spanish, something else that will help you to expand your vocabulary is to learn how to form the present participles in Spanish verbs.

Hopefully this brief overview has helped you to understand better the true difference between usted and ustedes. I have a quick question for you…what do you find to be the most challenging or hardest thing about learning Spanish? Do you speak another language or is Spanish your 1st language? I appreciate your feedback and would really love to read your thoughts below.


What is the difference between usted and tu?

What is the difference between usted and tu in Spanish?

This is a question that many learning Spanish wonder about and may not be sure when to use which in conversation. If that is your case, then I will give you a few pointers that will help you differentiate the two.

what is the difference between usted and tu

First off, you should know if not already that both “tu and usted” mean “you” in English. However, it’s important to know which pronoun to initiate almost ALL conversations if you are unsure.

Tu versus Usted – What You Need To  Know

I want you to remember that “tu” is used specifically with people that: 

  • are your same age or age group
  • with close friends / family members (brothers & sisters)
  • or with those that asked you to use this pronoun.

Whereas “usted” is used primarily for people such as:

  • adults
  • teachers
  • any superiors
  • individuals with authority or rank
  • someone that you don’t know / meet for first time
  • strangers
  • etc…

Why is it so important that you know what is the difference between usted and tu?

It’s really important to know what is the difference between usted and tú to avoid confusion and also show respect.

Let’s think about these for a minute…

In most cultures, typically you would never greet someone that you don’t know by their first names on your first encounter, right? It is always polite to address the person using titles or salutations such as Mr., Mrs, Ms. etc. followed by their last names.

Why? Well, to do otherwise could be considered as a lack of manners, respect or being overly familiar. Some may even feel offended..

what is the difference between usted and tu


In Spanish, using the Spanish pronoun “tu” would be like a person in English inviting you to call them by their first name. This shift in address is like the official crossover from “I don’t youto now we are cool and friends” stage in my opinion.

Yes, although these Spanish pronouns usted and tu both mean “you” in singular form, it’s important to recognize what the difference is & when it is deemed appropriate to use each. If you learn and understand this people will love and respect you.

Let’s recap.

What is the difference between usted and tu?

Tu again is used with people that you:

  • Know really well
  • Are your friends and
  • Typically in your same age group.


Usted is used with people that:

  • Adults
  • Any superiors such as a teacher, boss, judge, police officer, etc
  • Elderly
  • First Encounters

I hope that this brief overview has helped you to clear up any doubts and to really appreciate what is the difference between usted and tu and when to use them in Spanish conversations.

Did this quick review help you to grasp what is the difference between usted and tu? If so, then maravilloso!

I would love to hear your comments below..